Wednesday, September 8, 2010

As acidic as lemon juice - only fit for dead fish

Graffiti wall: Cnr Jan Smuts and Empire.

MP's were told in a briefing that millions of litres of higly acidic mine water is rising up under J'burg and if left unchecked could spill into its streets about 18 months from now. The Star: 23 July 2010.

In the same news report Mariette Liefferink (google her research, SCARY) : "rising mine water has the same acidity as vinegar or lemon juice, a legacy of 120 years of gold mining". She has been warning about this since before 2008, but was mostly ignored.

Trevor Manuel: " The idea that there will be acid mine drainage running through the streets of J'burg next week and that we should all walk around in gumboots, is completely ridiculous". The Star: 11 August 2010.

Marius Keet, Department of Water Affairs (Rapport, 5 September 2010): "Binne 'n jaar sal rooi die rooi, suur mynwater regoor die Oos-Rand by fonteine uitborrel. Vleigebiede en riviere sal in giftige moerasse verander, drinkwater besoedel en sinkgate veroorsaak.

Prof McCarthy from Wits also warned about the threats to Standard Bank head office and Gold Reef City, both built on old mines.

The Star, 6 September 2010: Minister Buyelwa Sonjica acknowledged a deficit for funding to built the necessary emergency pump station and pipeline to avert a major environmental crisis. She announced a team of experts who will asses the situation and report back within six weeks.

A homeless guy looked at the image: " Why are these people running away?".

We don't need boots, not yet.


  1. I love the irony. Leaders which knows about it does not contribute to the awareness about this problem. The homeless guy represents the uninformed masses, act as the innocent bystander. His reaction to your visual representation of this matter is both ironic and sad. Perhaps with his innocent comment he brings great wisdom and truth. Perhaps we should be running away… This is a great revelation to the psyche of the average Joe.

  2. Can't agree more with your comment. I still find Jburg people very passive about their physical environment.
